451 research outputs found


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    The quality and competence of vocational higher education lecturers need to be improved to improve the quality of vocational student education (Mouzakitis, 2010). In implementing higher education, Polimarin has an obligation to develop science so that it can have value benefits for the community. The development of maritime science is among others by improving the quality of lecturers as educators who produce superior human resources. One of the lecturers' competencies that need to be improved is an information system-based maritime lecturer (Pazara, Arsenie, & Pazara, 2010). The shipping security system can be collaborated with information systems that are currently developing very rapidly. So that the application of information systems based maritime security systems can be improved. The implementation of the above program is the implementation of Polimarin's lecturer competency training program through a lecturer retooling program at the Marine Institute Canada. This program can support the government's Nawacita program with the Sea Toll program. So that Polimarin can improve the competency of graduates or human resources in the field of maritime security (Feldt, Roell, & Thiele, 2013) to be more competitive and have superior competitiveness at national and international levels. The output of this training program is that it can develop the science of security systems that are collaborated with scientific information systems (Peslak, 2011). Furthermore, it was stated in the preparation of the Certification Scheme and Competency Test Material which will be held at the Polimarin Professional Certification Institute.Ā  Article visualizations


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    Boarding education pattern makes its own interest for researchers because the boarding education of the discipline and structured conditions; Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia (Polimarin) become the object of research because since the establishment of never happened violence seniority of students in the institution. Polimarin has the task of organizing vocational education in a number of fields of science and technology, focusing on maritime fields. Associated with the character of Polimarin, students based on the use of information technology, of course, must follow the applicable laws and regulations. Regulations in Indonesia related to information technology are namely Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE); and Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 Year 2008 concerning Amendment of Information and Electronic Transaction. Catching the reality of student boarding life in Polimarin, both from their daily life in dormitories and educational patterns of Polimarin students, researchers used a kind of qualitative research. Data collection techniques that researchers used were methods of observation, interview, documentation and validation. The results obtained from this research is that Polimarin is a new college that is required to improve the quality of both students and other academicians; one of the students qualities that need to be improved is the use of information technology in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia.Ā  Article visualizations

    Analisis Lahan Pertanian untuk Pengembangan Produktivitas Padi di Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan dua variabel, yaitu variabel kemampuan lahan dan variabel pengelolaan petani. Pemilihan Kecamatan purwodadi sebagai daerah penelitian di dasarkan pada alasan bahwa di daerah penelitian memiliki variasi hasil produktivitas padi. Penelitian dengan judul ā€œAnalisis Lahan Pertanian untuk Pengembangan Produktivitas Padi di Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Groboganā€. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengetahui tingkat kemampuan lahan, (2) Mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan tingkat produktivitas padi, dan (3) Mengetahui alternatif arahan pengembangan produktivitas padi. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survei yang dilakukan di lapangan dan analisis data primer dan data sekunder. Pengambilan sampel tanah dan responden menggunakan metode stratified random sampling dengan strata satuan lahan. Dari 14 titik satuan lahan, pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan pada 5 titik satuan lahan yaitu satuan lahan sawah. Sampel responden diambil berdasarkan perbedaan tingkat produktivitas padi di tiap-tiap Desa yang terdiri dari 8 Desa. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis skoring dan analisis tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Grobogan mempunyai potensi lahan dengan kelas kemampuan lahan III (agak baik), 2) Dari dua variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil produktivitas padi adalah Pengelolaan lahan yaitu sektor irigasi, rotasi tanam, pemupukan dan Kemampuan lahan yang berupa idikator kesuburan tanah (unsur P) dan tingkat keasaman tanah. Alternatif arahan untuk pengembangan produktivitas padi yaitu pada satuan lahan F1 I Alc Sw Desa Nglobar di arahkan pada perlakuan irigasi secara teknis dengan memanfaatkan sungai dan waduk buatan sehingga dapat memperbaiki rotasi serta pemberian pupuk yang mengandung unsur P yang tinggi. F1 I Grc Sw Desa Ngraji di arahkan pada Peningkatan pupuk dan banyak mengandung unsur P yang tinggi, sedangkan Desa Warukaranganyar di arahkan pada perlakuan irigasi secara teknis dengan memanfaatkan sungai dan waduk buatan sehingga dapat memperbaiki rotasi serta pemberian pupuk yang mengandung unsur P yang tinggi. F2 II Alc Sw yang terletak di Desa Putat di arahkan pada peningkatan pupuk dan banyak mengandung unsur P yang tinggi serta pemberian unsur hara yang dapat menetralkan tanah. F2 II Alk Sw yang terletak di Desa Pulorejo di arahkan pada Peningkatan pupuk dan banyak mengandung unsur P yang tinggi serta pemberian unsur hara yang dapat menetralkan tanah. Satuan Lahan F2 II Grc Sw di Desa Danyang di arahkan pada pemberian pupuk yang mengandung unsur P yang tinggi serta pemberian unsur hara yang dapat menetralkan tanah, sedangkan untuk Desa Genuksuran di arahkan pada Peningkatan pupuk dan banyak mengandung unsur P yang tinggi serta pemberian unsur hara yang dapat menetralkan tanah

    Automatic Detection System Satellite Orbit Position with a Method of Control Azimuth and Elevation Angles Parabolic Antenna

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    The automatic system satellite signal strength tracking model through the positioning of the receiving antenna is one way to reduce the problem of attenuation and signal strength instability which is quite influential in tracking the satellite orbit position. The method of applying the antenna movement technique by adjusting the azimuth and elevation angles is possible to detect the position of the satellite orbit trajectory accurately. Therefore, the expected goal is to know the existence of the satellite's orbital trajectory and ensure that the signal strength it transmits will always be stable in all conditions. The empirical quantitative method is used to support the achievement of these objectives where the technique is carried out through field observations and device design involving calculations and applied mathematical equations based on information on satellite position data as a tracking object as well as a source of signal strength. Based on the test results, it shows that all the positions of the tracked satellite orbital trajectories produce a minimum and maximum azimuth-elevation angle of 0.52% - 4.02% and 0.25% - 3.99% when the system detects NSS6. Furthermore, when the system detects Palapa D, the minimum values for the percentage of maximum deviation error are 0.6% and 4.67% with a tolerance of the alignment angle to the satellite of 20. Overall, the designed system is able to track the position of the satellite's orbit path based on the level of signal strength stability on the parabolic receiver antenna which is designed with a small percentage of angle error


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    Mangrove ecosystem is an important part of the coastal environment. One of the problems in almost all coastal areas in Indonesia is the degradation of mangrove area. In the coastal areas of Langkat Regency, precisely in the Tapak Kuda Village is also facing the same thing. In the last 15 years, mangrove area has reduced quite high. One of them is caused by the conversion of mangrove land into ponds. The existence of mangrove ecosystems is related to socio-economic life of society that causes the decline of mangrove area and the changing environmental conditions of social life. The results showed that the conversion of mangrove land brought the social impact on residentsā€™ lives. Changes in the types of jobs are fishermen decreased 24%, the percentage of farmers rose 19% and fish farmers also rose 10%. Income-related conditions, 24% of people feel steady and have sufficient income to meet the familiesā€™ needs, 43% of people feel sometimes high income is not enough to meet familiesā€™ needs and 33% of people feel low income that make the familiesā€™ needs are not fulfilled. The condition of public education level has increased, the percentage of people completing primary school rose 7%, junior high was up 21%, and high school 16%. Regarding the use of natural resources, there were only 35% of the natural resources that could be managed by the community. Community land use patterns are 10% of ponds, 30% of fields, 20% of fishing areas and 40% of conservation areas

    The Use of Polymer Based Gas Sensor for Detecting Formalin in Food Using Artificial Neural Network

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    The usage of formalin as preservative substance in food is dangerous and make much threat to public society. Yet, it is difficult to identify the presence of formalin in food sensory. It commonly requires laboratory-based testing to detect the formalin. This work describes a detector system of formalin presence in food which employs a series of polymer-based gas sensor and uses a neural network detection method. The sensors are the polymer-carbon composite which made of the polymer mixed with active carbon. There are four types of polymer used, i.e. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 6000, PEG200, PEG20M, and PEG1450. The polymer-carbon composite provided a unique characteristic when it is exposed to vapor of food with or without formalin. The resistance of each polymer is different for each detected vapor. The combination of those sensors gives a pattern of voltage output on the sensors when they are exposed certain gas so that every gas has its unique output pattern. The method of detection uses an algorithm of back-propagation of the neural network. That voltage pattern of sensors serves as input to an artificial intelligence program. The result shows that the system has the accuracy of 75% in detecting formalin in food
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